Tag Archive: tandem

Acro Show 2018 Proves Air Sports Are Here to Stay

Sponsored by the World Air Sports Federation, The 2018 Acro World Tour was an air sports show, stunt show, acrobatic paragliding competition, and carnival all combined into one.

The Don’t Panic Team Paraglides Over Stunning Locations

Want to paraglide over Costa Rica, Yangzhou China, Indonesia? The Don’t Panic Team is a band of pilots offering tandem flights around the world.

Marlon Jonat Shares his Best Paragliding Moments of 2018

I’m not sure who is having more fun, Marlon or his tandem passengers. What do you think?

Ballooning, Paragliding, and Skydiving all at once?

Some people have hot air ballooning, skydiving, and paragliding on their bucket list. For those of us with limited time sometimes we have to cross all those items off the list at once.